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Even though I had been on a church staff leading discipleship ministry since 2001, Spiritual Direction was a vague concept for me until 2014.  That year, I spent a transitional season at Asbury Theological Seminary while my husband Chris completed his Master of Divinity degree.  As I explored next steps, I was encouraged to take advantage of Spiritual Direction offered through the seminary.  As I sat with a Spiritual Director, she helped me listen and notice what God was doing in me and to discern His calling for my next chapter of life.  


When I moved to Virginia to serve alongside Chris as Discipleship Director at The River Anglican Church, I discovered that Spiritual Directors were not readily available in our community.  After several years of discernment with my own director, I answered God’s call to train as a Spiritual Director.  Prayerful listening and noticing God’s work in the moments of a session or as revealed through discussion is a way God has called me to companion with, serve and love others in His name.  God is at work all the time.  Through His word, in prayer and in listening, He will show us His direction if we will wait upon Him.


In 2021, we moved to the mountains of Western North Carolina to open Kerith Retreat. Spiritual direction (online or in-person) is a key ministry of Kerith, which also offers a retreat apartment for time away with God, marriage enrichment, and pastoral care.

Selah is a 2-year cohort-oriented program in Christian spiritual direction with a biblical foundation.  Leadership Transformations also partners with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in providing training in the classic practice.


950 Walker Rd

Waynesville, NC 28786


Tel: 803-422-1929

Hours: By Appointment


Serving Asheville, Canton, Sylva, and Haywood County in Western North Carolina


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Claire's Christian Traditions: Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, Evangelical

But ALL followers of Jesus Christ are welcome.

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